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Dr. Hill's 6th Grade Science

Course Description

The Characteristics of Cells
Students will be able to define the scientific terms of the various structures found in a cell. Students will be able to explain the function of each cell organelle and its role in overall cell function and maintenance. Students will be able to utilize visual, tactile and auditory modalities to reinforce their understanding of cell organelle function. Students will describe the relationship between cells and organisms. Students will create portable word walls, one pagers, and other products. Many assignments will be completed on StemScopes-- Reading Comprehension Quiz, Post Assessment, Writing, and Content Containment Quiz.


Characteristics of Fungi

Characteristics of Fungi
Do you see the organisms growing on the bread in the Figure below? They belong to the Kingdom Fungi. Molds growing on foods are some of the most common fungi in our everyday lives. These organisms may seem useless, gross, and costly. But fungi play very important roles in almost every terrestrial ecosystem on Earth.

A. Habitats of Fungi (Put this information in your INB).
Fungi are found all around the world, and grow in a wide range of habitats,
including deserts. Most grow in terrestrial environments, but several species live only in aquatic habitats. Most fungi live in soil or dead matter, and in symbiotic relationships with plants, animals, or other fungi. Fungi, along with bacteria that are found in soil, are the primary decomposers of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems. The decomposition of dead organisms returns nutrient to the soil, and the environment.

B. Watch the video, Wow! Fungi Plant Growth. Write a summary and include
illustrations to show what you learned.

C. Science Friday: Fungal Freeways (Put this information in your INB).
Fungus use fluid networks, similar to roads and freeways, to move nutrients and nuclei through their cells. In the video by Science Friday, Dr. Marcus Roper explains how these networks function with remarkable efficiency and prevent microscopic traffic jams.

D. Watch the video, Fungal Freeways. Write a summary and include illustrations to show what you learned.
Fungi Song

Classification of Animals Chart

To help us understand the classification of animals and how all living organisms are related, they are arranged into different groups. The more features that a group of animals share, the more specific the group is. Animals are given scientific names so that people all around the world can communicate about animals, no matter what language they speak (these names are traditionally Latin words). Animals belong to a number of different groups, starting with the animal kingdom. Make a chart to show your understanding of these classifications.

Classifying Organisms Day 6- Day 10 Discussion

The student is expected to recognize that the broadest taxonomic classification of living organisms is divided into currently recognized domains and identify the basic characteristics of organisms, including prokaryotic or eukaryotic, unicellular or multicellular, autotrophic or heterotrophic, and mode of reproduction, that further classify them in the currently recognized kingdoms.

Cell Models Writing Activity Day 5

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Organisms and Environments

Think about a model that you can construct that could be used to show the
differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Explain the process you would use to construct the model and how you would use the model to explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells to your classmates in your INB.
Enrichment: Create a model of a cell using found materials.