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Joseph Roswell » MR. JOSEPH ROSWELL




I am honored and humbled to be the principal at Arrow Liberation Academy. My educational journey started in 2001 as a classroom teacher within the surrounding Houston Metroplex. I have been with Arrow Academy since 2009. Prior to being named principal, I served as the District’s Data Director and Testing Coordinator for the past two years.


My undergraduate is from Texas A&M University with a degree in Business Administration and a graduate degree from Lamar University in Educational Technology Leadership.


As the campus principal, I am committed to becoming the best instructional leader to support my staff, students, parents, and the school community to elevate Arrow Liberation Academy to greater heights. How will this be carried out? I have a three-pronged approach working simultaneously:


Instructional Teacher Focus: A commitment is made to maximize classroom instruction by providing teachers the necessary resources and support. Empirical data is used to guide classroom instruction while meeting the individual needs of all learners to close achievement gaps. Implementing best educational teaching practices by using High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM). Finally, integrate educational technology platforms into each classroom with fidelity to enhance and extend the learning opportunities. When teachers are supported, student learning is realized.


Improve School Culture: A commitment to lead the campus with a clear vision and direction to achieve set goals. This require various systems to work fluidly and holds individuals accountable while effort and focus is placed on student learning. In doing so, Trust, Respect, and Relational Capacity is formed throughout the school community.  


Transparent Communication: A commitment to provide transparent and timely communication is needed to strengthen the school community’s desire to build Trust and Respect. In this process, stakeholder’s voices are heard and valued that positively impacts student learning. Additionally, it improves morale and teaching performance by honoring the collaborative process to share ideas and to problem solve.


In closing, I lead with purpose, passion, and commitment to serve the school community with a singular goal, to extend and grow the capacity of every stakeholder. By focusing my efforts to implement, guide, monitor, and evaluate the three-pronged approach, we will begin to see evidential gains. WHY? Because you deserve it!




Mr. Joseph Roswell

Arrow Liberation Principal