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Dr. Hill's 5th Grade Science

Course Description

Life Science

Students learn about energy flow in food webs, including the roles of the sun, producers, consumers and decomposers in the energy cycle. They will model a food web and create diagrams of food webs using their own drawings and/or images to create one pagers, portable word walls and other products. Also, students will investigate the links between the sun, plants and animals, building their understanding of the web of nutrient dependency and energy transfer. Many assignments can be completed on StemScopes. The first StemScopes assignments (Food Web)-Reading and Comprehension Quiz, Writing, Post Assessment, and Math Connection.


Skittles Science Project Board Camille O

                            Arrow Liberation Academy
Preparing a science fair project is an excellent example of what education experts call active learning or inquiry (also "hands-on" learning). It is a very effective instructional method and it is recommended as a cornerstone of successful science teaching. Camille did an excellent job constructing the science project called the "Skittle Melt Down." 

Science Fair Display Board Sample

                      Arrow Liberation Academy Science Fair                    
Participating in science fair projects helps develop a feeling of confidence and competence among students, and fosters a spirit of scientific inquiry. Science fairs are also a way for students to demonstrate motivation, self-learning, critical thinking, ethics and other important skills and traits. 
Anchor charts are used to help you understand what you will learn and know by the end of the lesson. Create your own anchor chart in your INB, spiral notebook, or on a sheet of loose leaf paper.

Scientific Observation 2                         Life Science -  Interdependency              

Create an illustration.Use arrows as needed to show what you are observing. Write down what you observe from the image. Write down questions you may have about what you are observing. Ex: Where was this picture taken? What does the shade of colors mean? What is happening? Draw a conclusion based on what you have observed. 

Scientific Observation  1                 Life Science -  Interdependency

Create an illustration. Use arrows as needed to show what you are observing. Write down what you observe from the image. Write down questions you may have about what you are observing. Where was this picture taken? What does the shade of colors mean? What is happening? Draw a conclusion based on what you have observed.

5th Grade Interdependency Writing Day 10

Day 10  THINK about the relationship this bird and zebra have. What can the bird do for the zebra? What can the zebra do for the bird? WRITE about how these animals both benefit from this relationship. What do you think would happen if the bird riding on the zebra’s back were a vulture or other scavenger? How would that change the relationship?. Go to StemScopes: complete the writing activity.  I will document students’ grades for this assignment through StemScopes.